On behalf of Alexus McLeod:
(Please note especially the call for proposals regarding volumes on Indian philosophy.)
Critical Overviews in Comparative Philosophy (Rowman and Littlefield International).
The Critical Overviews in Comparative Philosophy series aims to present detailed and inclusive surveys of contemporary research in multiple areas of Asian and Comparative Philosophy. Each volume will outline and engage with the current research within comparative philosophy through the lenses of traditional philosophical areas such as ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, and language/logic, offering those outside the fields in question (both scholars and students) an up-to-date picture of the work being done in these areas. This series will cover topics in East Asian and South Asian philosophy, primarily in a comparative context.
Each volume will be a single-authored work presenting, synthesizing, and analyzing recent developments in particular areas within a field of comparative research, as well as offering promising directions for future research, outlining possible objections and solutions, and considering ways the area might be further developed.
These volumes will be arranged by comparative field and by area. The aim is to both present the main lines of research in each area and also to engage with the work in each area. One major aim of these volumes will be to show how recent research in comparative philosophy can be relevant to the broader study of the history of philosophy in general and to contemporary “mainstream” philosophical research, through in part suggesting new directions for contemporary research.
Much recent work in Asian and comparative philosophy offers unique and interesting solutions to outstanding problems in traditional philosophical areas. Philosophers working in these “mainstream” areas tend to overlook work in Asian and comparative philosophy, not simply due to lack of concern, but due to ignorance about where to look and about the main features of Asian and comparative philosophy research. This situation is mainly due to the fact that Asian and comparative philosophy is not often taught in philosophy departments at graduate institutions, and even where it is taught, it is hardly ever a requirement. Many philosophers simply are unaware of what is going on in Asian and comparative philosophy. One aim of this series is to help to resolve this difficulty. Volumes will be constructed so as to give the reader an adequate overview of the main positions and lines of research in an area, as well as an understanding of where to look to keep abreast of new developments in their areas of interest. This can be of great help to scholars and students alike. Graduate students studying Asian and comparative philosophy, for example, have had to rely on simply compiling enormous lists of disparate secondary works and wading through them to determine which are relevant to their particular areas of interest. There have to this point been no works that offer overview and analysis of the vast amount of secondary, interpretive, and comparative work on Asian philosophy. This series aims to fill this gap.
Series Editor:
Alexus McLeod, University of Dayton
Editorial Board:
Stephen Angle, Wesleyan University
Jonathan Edelmann, Mississippi State University
Manyul Im, Fairfield University
Jinhua Jia, University of Macau
Karyn Lai, University of New South Wales
Chenyang Li, Nanyang Technological University
Dan Robins, University of Hong Kong
Deepak Sarma, Case Western Reserve University
If any contributors or others in the areas of Chinese, Indian, and Comparative philosophy may be interested in proposing future volumes for inclusion in the COCP series, please contact Alexus McLeod, at alexusm@gmail.com. Currently, we are especially seeking proposals from those working in Indian philosophy and Chinese-Indian comparative philosophy, though we welcome proposals from those in any area of comparative philosophy.