Which reviews did you like more?

If I leave aside the ones I liked primarily because I was interested in the topic, the first ones which come to my mind are: André Padoux’ review of Hindu Tantrism (by Sanjukta Gupta, Derk Jan Hoens, Teun Goudriaan), review Continue reading Which reviews did you like more?

शब्दविषये रसेल(Russell)मत: संस्कृतायां वाचि निरूपितः

Once a month, I publish on my personal blog a post in Sanskrit. Last month, Matthew Dasti suggested to cross-post one here, too. Thus, if you enjoy what follows, praise Matthew, if you don’t blame me (or at least let Continue reading शब्दविषये रसेल(Russell)मत: संस्कृतायां वाचि निरूपितः

Economic structures and philosophic superstructures: On Scott 2013 and Eltschinger 2013

How was Capitalism born? And, more in general, 1. does the economic structure determine its superstructure (including philosophy or religion), as in Marx; 2. does a certain philosophy, religion, etc. determine a certain economic result, as in Weber; or 3. Continue reading Economic structures and philosophic superstructures: On Scott 2013 and Eltschinger 2013

What is involved in a religious identity? On the Introduction of Leach 2012

What are the Pāñcarātras? Is there anything like a uniform Pāñcarātra Canon and/or Theology? Or are these texts only part of a constellation which has been made consistent by its later interpreters?

On Vyāsa and the authorship of the Saṅkarṣakāṇḍa

(apologies in advance for the lack of diacritics, I am home, ill, with no access to a unicode keyboard) The Sankarsakanda (henceforth SK, about which see here) is an enigmatic text thought to complete the Mimamsa Sastra, after the Purva Continue reading On Vyāsa and the authorship of the Saṅkarṣakāṇḍa

Can there be harmless periodisations? On Oetke 2013

(I beg again your pardon for the lack of diacritics) The fore-last essay (called Classification and Periodization of Indian Philosophical Traditions: Some Conceptual and Theoretical Aspects) in Franco’s Periodization and Historiography of Indian Philosophy, by Claus Oetke, raises very general Continue reading Can there be harmless periodisations? On Oetke 2013

How many texts are comprised in the Mimamsa Sastra? And why is this relevant?

(apologies in advance for the lack of diacritics, I am home, ill, with no access to a unicode keyboard) Purva Mimamsa authors are generally not interested in the topic, whereas several Uttara Mimamsa (i.e. Vedanta) ones deal at length with Continue reading How many texts are comprised in the Mimamsa Sastra? And why is this relevant?