Sanskrit Research Associates sought

The following is an announcement from the Indology mailing list that should be relevant, if not exciting, to visitors here:
The Sanskrit Library seeks two post-doctoral research associates for two years, from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2016, to assist in manuscript cataloguing and automated text-image alignment. The Sanskrit Library is a non-profit digital library making the heritage texts of India accessible on the web. The projects are funded by grants from the U.S. National Endowment for the Humanities. The assistant will be responsible for formatting manuscript data in an XML template based upon the manuscript guidelines of the Text-Encoding Initiative, and for assembling OCR training data and validating automated transcription in interfaces produced in the project. Each position carries a stipend of $1,500 per month.
For full details and to apply please open the following link:
All applications filed by 27 March 2014 will be granted full consideration.
Peter M. Scharf, President
The Sanskrit Library

About Justin Whitaker

Justin Whitaker has a Ph.D. from Goldsmiths, University of London, focusing on a comparison of early Buddhist ethics (primarily from the Nikāyas) and the ethics of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). He has a B.A. in Philosophy from the University of Montana and an M.A. in Buddhist Studies from Bristol University, UK.

4 Replies to “Sanskrit Research Associates sought”

    • I am not sure I understand your point. There is no general form to be filled. From time to time we describe vacancies here (and on my personal blog each Wednesday). Just check them and apply directly to the address mentioned.

  1. Dear Sir,
    I have finished my Ph.D. by the last June in Sanskrit Studies at Department of Sanskrit Studies, University of Hyderabad. presently I am working as a Research Associate in Medical Manuscript Digitization project at IHST private Ayurveda University. As being too late, today itself I have seen the notification of Sanskrit Library Assistant job notification. The last date to apply to that post is over. Do I have a chance to apply as a late? Kindly give me the proper information

    • Dear Śiva,

      I would certainly apply (the position may have not be filled yet). But, as already explained, I am not in the position of giving any official answer and all official enquires should be sent to the relevant address.

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