Friends, I’ve been asked to see if there are any graduate students who work in Indian Philosophy of religion, particularly of a broadly theistic sort, and/or philosophical theology, who are competent to talk with analytic philosophers of religion and share with them the best of the Indic theological traditions. Could anybody who has some leads/names communicate with me offline? Many thanks.
Please write to:
I’m not a grad student, but a recent PhD. While my primary research is social philosophy, I spent just about my entire doctoral career teaching courses in Buddhism. I’ve also taught phil of religion in the analytic tradition. I’d be glad to have an extended conversation if you’re still interested.
Hi Michael, for now, I was asked to just make a list. There’s a very tentative idea for a project, with possible post-docs and such. I will take your name and will definitely let you know as (or better, if) things develop.
Hi guys i would help you as i had been doing a lot of research in the field of indian philosophy would be glad to talk to you people
Assistant Professor (Maharashtra India )