Mathew Dasti is the new South Asia Book Review Editor for Philosophy East and West. Congratulations Matthew. (Any inquiries regarding book reviews can be addressed to:
A group blog of scholars exploring Indian philosophy
Mathew Dasti is the new South Asia Book Review Editor for Philosophy East and West. Congratulations Matthew. (Any inquiries regarding book reviews can be addressed to:
Congratulations, Matthew! Is there any significant way in which you would like to distinguish yourself as Book Editor (not that you have to, given that there is so much to do just by doing what is required, I’m just curious)?
Thanks so much, Chris and Elisa, and apologies for saying so a few days late. It’s been my first week of teaching and something of a blur. It’s an honor to be part of Philosophy East and West and to follow an esteemed scholar like Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad. And Elisa, as far as I can see, and from Ram’s own advice, them most important thing is to work hard to find quality reviewers. To be frank, for a junior scholar like me, it’s easy to fall into thinking that the best people just don’t have the time, and to avoid asking. Of course, for whatever reason, some of the best reviews come from early- and mid-career scholars too, so finding the most apt among them is also part of the challenge.
Also, I think that with a journal like PEW, given its wide range, and its significant contributions from scholars of East Asia, I want to do my small part to help maintain the strong voice of South Asia scholars within my province.
I do hope to use some of the networking possibilities provided by this blog to contact people, too.
I wasn’t one of the “best people,” indeed, not even close to being placed in that exclusive set, but was nonetheless offered, and accepted, an opportunity to review a couple of books (on Islamic aesthetics and ecological thought in Judaism) for the journal some years ago (others can assess the result, but I was satisfied). I remain most grateful and hope now and again editors will take chances along the lines proffered to me.
Thanks, Patrick. I will keep you in mind, to be sure.
That’s very kind of you Matthew but meant the remark to be on behalf of others in circumstances or of backgrounds similar to mine: I wasn’t making a plea on my behalf!
I get it. Thanks.