Why are postulation (arthāpatti) and inference not the same thing?

Arthāpatti ‘postulation’ is the instrument of knowledge through which we know that Devadatta is out given that he is alive and not home. In Classical India, just like among contemporary scholars, several thinkers (especially of the Nyāya school) have tried Continue reading Why are postulation (arthāpatti) and inference not the same thing?

“Is there Philosophy in India?” and what this question tells us, an essay by Ankur Barua

After many years, I am sort of fed up with having to answer the question above, and this is also why I had not read the essay by Barua (bearing the title Is there ‘Philosophy’ in India? An Exercise in Continue reading “Is there Philosophy in India?” and what this question tells us, an essay by Ankur Barua

Getting Started in Indian Philosophy: Query for Readers

This is somewhat related to Matt Dasti’s last call-for-papers post, but more geared towards philosophy colleagues, not philosophy courses. If you’re like me, you occasionally have peers saying that they’re interested in Indian philosophy but overwhelmed, and don’t know where Continue reading Getting Started in Indian Philosophy: Query for Readers

Call for Papers: ‘Religions in Chinese and Indian Cultures: A Comparative Perspective’ Group, American Academy of Religion

Posted on behalf of Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad: [Please note that Ram is especially looking looking for a paper on Hindu Monasticism] Call for Papers: ‘Religions in Chinese and Indian Cultures: A Comparative Perspective’ Group, American Academy of Religion AAR Conference, Atlanta Continue reading Call for Papers: ‘Religions in Chinese and Indian Cultures: A Comparative Perspective’ Group, American Academy of Religion

Call for Papers and Panel Proposals: Including for a Special Workshop on How to Incorporate Asian Texts into Traditional Philosophy Courses

Posted on behalf of Brian Bruya: CALL FOR PAPER AND PANEL PROPOSALS Including for a Special Workshop on How to Incorporate Asian Texts into Traditional Philosophy Courses 2016 Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association January 6-9, 2016, Washington, Continue reading Call for Papers and Panel Proposals: Including for a Special Workshop on How to Incorporate Asian Texts into Traditional Philosophy Courses