Upcoming Conferences: SACP 2015, SAGP 2015, E-APA 2016

Two three upcoming conferences of interest to our readers. First, the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy (SACP) Annual Meeting is this weekend in Monterey, CA, and there are quite a few sessions pertaining to Indian philosophy, too many to list here, Continue reading Upcoming Conferences: SACP 2015, SAGP 2015, E-APA 2016

The Moon Points Back: Review at NDPR

Over at NDPR, Mark Siderits reviews The Moon Points Back, an edited volume by the Cowherds (Koji Tanaka, Yasuo Deguchi, Jay Garfield and Graham Priest). From the review: The papers illustrate the relative maturity and fruitfulness of a project that Garfield characterizes Continue reading The Moon Points Back: Review at NDPR

Visiting Professor or Lecturer in Indian Philosophy at Ashoka University

Ashoka University (http://www.ashoka.edu.in/) is looking for a visiting Professor (any rank) or visiting Lecturer for the Spring Term of 2016 to teach at least one course on Indian Philosophy.  There will also be the chance, should the successful candidate like Continue reading Visiting Professor or Lecturer in Indian Philosophy at Ashoka University

NDPR Review of Graham Priest’s One: Being an Investigation into the Unity of Reality and of its Parts, including the Singular Object which is Nothingness

While Priest’s book is not officially a work on “Indian Philosophy,” it’s worth noting the way he significantly engages with Buddhist themes in his latest work. Graham Priest is perhaps best known for arguing that contradictions can be true and Continue reading NDPR Review of Graham Priest’s One: Being an Investigation into the Unity of Reality and of its Parts, including the Singular Object which is Nothingness


Call for Proposals  “Place”  The 11th East-West Philosophers’ Conference Wednesday May 25-Tuesday May 31 2016 Humanity takes up space. In this, humanity is no different from other species. Humanity also purposefully transforms space, but is not unique in doing so. Continue reading Call for proposals: THE 11TH EAST-WEST PHILOSOPHERS’ CONFERENCE MAY 2016