Seeking Book Reviewers for the Blog

As the Book Review Editor for the Indian Philosophy Blog I thought it might be helpful to occasionally make a note of books that may be good subjects for future reviews.  If you’re not sure what our reviews look like, see some recent examples here and here.

Here are some books that may be of interest for potential reviewers:

  • Vanity Karma: Ecclesiastes, the Bhagavad Gītā, and the Meaning of Life by Jayadvaita Swami.  (See here for more details. We can provide a complimentary electronic or paper copy for a potential reviewer).
  • The Yogavāsiṣṭha of Vālmīki: The Mind and Its Creation by Kuldip Kumar Dhiman.  (See here for more details.  We can provide a complimentary electronic copy for a potential reviewer).
  • Greek Buddha: Pyrrho’s Encounter With Early Buddhism in Central Asia by Christopher I. Beckwith.  (See here for more details.)
  • Indian Buddhist Philosophy by Amber Carpenter.  (See here for more details.)
  • The Moon Points Back edited by Koji Tanaka, Yasuo Deguchi, Jay L. Garfield, and Graham Priest.  (See here for more details).
  • Waking, Dreaming, Being: Self and Consciousness in Neuroscience, Meditation, and Philosophy by Evan Thompson.  (See here for more details).
  • The Yoga Sūtra of Patañjali: A Biography by David Gordon White.  (See here for more details and here for a review of another book in the same series by our very own Matthew Dasti).
  • Encounters of Mind: Luminosity and Personhood in Indian and Chinese Thought by Douglas L. Berger.  (See here for more details).

If you’re interested in possibly contributing a book review for the blog, whether of one of the books above or of another book, please see our Book Review Guidelines for my contact information.  If you have ideas for other books you’d like to see reviewed on the blog, please feel free to reply in the comments below.

5 Replies to “Seeking Book Reviewers for the Blog”

  1. I am interested in reviewing the book ‘Vanity Karma: Ecclesiastes, the Bhagavad Gītā, and the Meaning of Life’ by Jayadvaita Swami. Kindly mail me the paper copy of the book in the address given below:

    Dr. Devasia M. Antony
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Philosophy
    Hindu College
    University of Delhi
    Delhi-110007, INDIA

    Thank you.

  2. A recently book – “Think Beyond- Short Story Collectives” is on Pothi platform. It is available for purchase as a print edition at . Sample is available on the site.Ebook is available at…/bo…/ebook-madhumitha-murali-think-beyond . Please share this post for it can reach interested readers. Thank you!!
    “This is a novelette, a story, to develop passion for every reader, to move away from barriers evident from a village background. To kindle self- hope and come to truth from flying kites to the reality and develop in the reality to the goals marked, as dreams don’t make a person, it is the evident performance in reality that lives up. A boy lived in a remote village of Wardha, where he was from the lower strata, his English skills were low. He wanted a job in the city. He wanted to grab his dream job in KPST and his English and skills were a barrier. He joined as an Audit Assistant in MN & Co., to sustain his sustenance, and edge close to his dream career. This is a story of a village boy, who learns excel and English to near perfection and masters it and finds his dream job. He is interviewed at KPST two times firstly once and later after 6 months, meanwhile in gap he fights his latent and evident flaws and develops himself in these months, and how he uses his experience and understanding from his previous job to grab a job is what it is all about, in competition with an IIM Calcutta Student. In a heated debate with the Calcutta Guy, can he finally turn his dreams into a reality?”

    • Dear BookLover, I suspect our reviewers will not find this book relevant to philosophy, at least not directly, but I will leave that up to their judgement.

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