From Dagmar Wujastyk, care of the INDOLOGY listserv-
The AyurYog project “Medicine, Immortality, Mokṣa: Entangled Histories of Ayurveda, Yoga and Alchemy in South Asia” examines the connections between ayurveda, yoga and rasaśāstra with a focus on health, rejuvenation and longevity practices. The ERC-Starting-Grant-funded research project is hosted at the Institute for South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies at the University of Vienna.
Website is here:
The link to the project is broken.
Thanks. It should work now.
It is time to do the such kind of interdisplinary Research.
I am especially fond of the professional look of the website. It is nice, yet clean. What do you think?
No doubt. I was going to say something about it too. A beautiful site.