Teaching the Tarkasaṃgraha to first-year students

What follows is a reflection on my experiences teaching the Tarkasaṃgraha, as I promised in the comments to a recent post. Part of my job at Yale-NUS College is to teach a college-wide common curriculum course that spans two semesters. It’s called Continue reading Teaching the Tarkasaṃgraha to first-year students

Dialog between Science and Philosophy: a new event

The event, sponsored by the Indian council of Philosophical Research, Delhi, is scheduled to be held as a Discussion meeting in the Poornaprajna Institute of Scientific Research, Bangalore from 25th Oct to 27th October. The event is an outgrowth of Continue reading Dialog between Science and Philosophy: a new event

Congratulations to Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad

The winner of the Best Book in Hindu-Christian Studies: Theology/Philosophy (2011-2015) is Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad’s Divine Self, Human Self: The Philosophy of Being in Two Gita Commentaries (Bloomsbury, 2013). The Society will hold a panel discussion of Dr. Ram-Prasad’s book at Continue reading Congratulations to Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad

Old Prābhākaras

Mīmāṃsā has had a “split personality” for roughly the past millennium: interpretations generally follow one of the two great teachers, Kumārila Bhaṭṭa or Prabhākara Miśra, and attack the other. The historical development of these “two systems” still needs a good Continue reading Old Prābhākaras

Vaidya on Indian Philosophy and the Inclusion Problem in Critical Thinking Education

Blog contributor Anand Vaidya has written before on what he calls the inclusion problem in philosophy (see links to his previous discussions here).  In a new post on the Blog of the APA he’s considering what Indian philosophy might contribute to Continue reading Vaidya on Indian Philosophy and the Inclusion Problem in Critical Thinking Education