Two postdoctoral research fellowships in Indian Philosophy at Wolfson College, Oxford

See the following mail from Richard Sorabji about two PostDoc research fellowships in Indian Philosophy at Wolfson College, Oxford.  The advert and further particulars are attached.  Application deadline is May 13th. Yours Alex Dear Friends, I am attaching an advertisement Continue reading Two postdoctoral research fellowships in Indian Philosophy at Wolfson College, Oxford

Comedy and Philosophy I: Topical jokes and comparative philosophy

I’ve been thinking about intersections between comedy and philosophy for some time. I plan to post a recurring, if perhaps disjointed, series of reflections on such intersections here. Recently, I heard one of my favorite comics make what I think Continue reading Comedy and Philosophy I: Topical jokes and comparative philosophy

Gandhi’s Synthesis of Liberal and Communitarian Values (a guest post by Sanjay Lal)

This is a guest-post by Sanjay Lal (Clayton State University). For further info on guest-posts on the Indian Philosophy Blog, check this page. ———————— I would like to share some of what I’m working on with the readers of the Continue reading Gandhi’s Synthesis of Liberal and Communitarian Values (a guest post by Sanjay Lal)

Jonardon Ganeri, “Why philosophy must go global”

Jonardon Ganeri of NYU gave a lecture at Stony Brook University on March 2, 2016 entitled “Why Philosophy Must Go Global.” You can click on the video below to watch. In this lecture Prof. Ganeri draws from Jain nayavāda and Madhyamaka Continue reading Jonardon Ganeri, “Why philosophy must go global”