Quick Note – History of Philosophy Podcast on Mīmāṃsā

Over at History of Philosophy without any Gaps, Peter Adamson, with Jonardon Ganeri, has been running a series on Indian Philosophy. The last few weeks have focused on Mīmāṃsā, and the IPB’s Elisa Freschi has been assisting with the episodes. Continue reading Quick Note – History of Philosophy Podcast on Mīmāṃsā

Epistemology and Comparative Philosophy in Confluence and the APA Blog

At the beginning of the month, there was an interdisciplinary conference in Kanazawa, Japan–the International Conference on Ethno-Epistemology – Culture, Language, and Methodology. Jonardon Ganeri gave a keynote presentation, “Pluralism about Epistemic Cultures” and Anand Vaidya, along with Purushottama Billimoria, gave Continue reading Epistemology and Comparative Philosophy in Confluence and the APA Blog

News from Manipal University (a guest post by Mrinal Kaul)

Dear readers of the Indian Philosophy Blog, I am delighted to share with all of you that we have been able to establish a Centre for Religious Studies (CRS) in Manipal University. As the coordinator of this centre I look Continue reading News from Manipal University (a guest post by Mrinal Kaul)

Interview with Mark Siderits, a guest post by Debajyoti Gangopadhyay* (part 2)

Debajyoti Gangopadhyay: Let us now turn towards the concept of śūnyatā in Buddhist Philosophy. Śūnya had been famously advocated by Nāgārjuna as going even beyond the catuṣkoṭi —the four possible state of affairs advocated by the Buddha, so that given Continue reading Interview with Mark Siderits, a guest post by Debajyoti Gangopadhyay* (part 2)

The West within the rest

Cross-posted at Love of All Wisdom. In the previous post I discussed why academic philosophers have usually focused on the West, and pointed out reasons why some amount of Western focus remains valuable. Above all, I noted: “we are always Continue reading The West within the rest

Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy Annual Conference (June 2-5, 2016)

Malcolm Keating recently posted here on the blog about the East-West Philosophers’ Conference, which concluded yesterday.  For those remaining in Honolulu, or just arriving, there is another conference starting tomorrow: the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy Annual Conference.  The Continue reading Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy Annual Conference (June 2-5, 2016)