Special issue of the Journal of Indian Philosophy: Mahābhārata

A new special issue of the Journal of Indian Philosophy is dedicated to “Locating Philosophy in the Mahābhārata.” James L. Fitzgerald introduces the articles in a paper available online without institutional access. We’ve talked on the blog before (examples here Continue reading Special issue of the Journal of Indian Philosophy: Mahābhārata

Open access papers on philosophy of language etc.

For a lucky coincidence, two long term projects of mine reached completion almost at the same time. You can therefore read on the 2017 issue of the Journal of World Philosophies the (Open Access) papers on philosophy of language which Continue reading Open access papers on philosophy of language etc.

Again on omniscience: Why talking about it, God’s omniscience and some reasons to refute it

Why is the topic of omniscience relevant in Indian philosophy? Because of at least two concurring reasons. On the one hand, for schools like Buddhism and Jainism, it is a question of religious authority. Ascribing omniscience to the founders of Continue reading Again on omniscience: Why talking about it, God’s omniscience and some reasons to refute it