I received the following announcement from Karen O’Brien-Kop and I am glad to advertise it, also because several readings will be conducted by long-term colleagues and friends of mine, including also “our” Alex Watson. You can read Karen’s very interesting posts about the reading sessions on her blog.
The Sanskrit Reading Room at SOAS is a graduate initiative that holds fortnightly readings of Sanskrit texts with leading scholars. This year we are looking at a number of texts from the Indian philosophical traditions. The reading seminars are open to all, although knowledge of Sanskrit is recommended. Participants can book their place in advance and will receive the reading in order to familiarize themselves with the text. Selected sessions will be live-streamed via our Facebook page and all sessions will be recorded for an audio archive on our blog.
For more details, subscribe to sanskritreadingroom.wordpress.com or our Facebook group: Sanskrit Reading Room. Contact: Karen_O’Brien-Kop@soas.ac.uk, Avni_Chag@soas.ac.uk, or Ruth_Westoby@soas.ac.uk
Here is the program for the next months:
Wednesday January 31, 3-5 pm
Dr Vincenzo Vergiani (University of Cambridge)
Excerpts from Bhartṛhari’s Vākyapadīya
Room Meet 116, Main College Buildings, Russell Sq, SOAS
Wednesday February 14, 3-5 pm
Dr Rembert Lutjeharms (OCHS)
Caitanya-candrodaya-nāṭaka of Kavikarṇapūra
Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, Oxford
Wednesday February 21, 3-5 pm
Prof. Dominik Wujastyk (University of Alberta)
Carakasaṃhitā, Vimānasthāna 1
Room Meet 116, Main College Buildings, Russell Sq, SOAS
Wednesday February 28, 3-5 pm
Dr Jonathan Duquette (University of Oxford)
The Vedānta of Vīraśaivas
Room Meet 116, Main College Buildings, Russell Sq, SOAS
Summer Term 2018
Wednesday May 2, 3-5pm
Prof. Alex Watson (Ashoka University)
7th Ãhnika of Nyāyamañjarī: Can we perceive the self (ātman)?
Room Meet 116, Main College Buildings, Russell Sq, SOAS
Wednesday May 9, 3-5 pm
Dr Shalini Sinha (University of Reading)
Room 4429, Main College Buildings, Russell Sq, SOAS
Wednesday May 23, 3-5 pm
Dr Marco Ferrante (IKGA/University of Oxford)
Knowledge, consciousness and language: a dialogue between Bhartṛhari and the Pratyabhijñā
Room 4426, Main College Buildings, Russell Sq, SOAS
Wednesday May 30, 3-5 pm
Prof. Madhav Deshpande (University of Michigan)
Prof. Deshpande’s Sītā-Rāvaṇa-Samvāda-Pañcāśikā
Room Meet 116, Main College Buildings, Russell Sq, SOAS