Conventional teaching wrongly taken as an equal

I demonstrated last time why Buddhaghosa believes the ultimate (paramattha) to be higher and truer than the conventional (vohāra or sammuti). But this is not to say that he finds the conventional unnecessary. Charles Hallisey rightly points out its value Continue reading Conventional teaching wrongly taken as an equal

Comparative and Continental Philosophy Circle, Leiden, Netherlands (May 23-25, 2019)

The Comparative and Continental Philosophy Circle takes place this week (May 23-25) at Leiden University in the Netherlands.  More details here. There are a number of presentations scheduled on Indian philosophy and related areas, including the following.  I am looking Continue reading Comparative and Continental Philosophy Circle, Leiden, Netherlands (May 23-25, 2019)

Mere convention vs. seeing correctly

Continuing my response to Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad, I want to turn back now to the original point of contention with which our exchange first began: the role of conventional (sammuti/vohāra) and ultimate (paramattha) in Buddhaghosa’s thought. First and foremost, I am Continue reading Mere convention vs. seeing correctly

Indian Philosophy Lecture Series Videos Now Online

I am very pleased to announce that all five of the lectures from this year in Princeton’s “New Directions in Indian and Comparative Philosophy” series are now online. Please feel free to share the link to the series webpage: You Continue reading Indian Philosophy Lecture Series Videos Now Online