Post-Doc Fellowships in Global Philosophy of Religion

We received from Yujin Nagasawa (via Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad):

I am starting a new Templeton-funded project called the Global Philosophy of Religion ( The aim of the project is to promote research involving philosophers of religion from all religious traditions and geographical regions. As part of the project, we are advertising three postdoctoral fellowships – in Hindu philosophy of religion, Islamic philosophy of religion and Jewish philosophy of religion – as well as a senior lectureship in philosophy of religion (tradition unspecified).

The list of the positions are published here:

I would be most grateful if you could forward it to people who may be interested in any of the positions.

Yujin Nagasawa
H. G. Wood Professor of the Philosophy of Religion
School of Philosophy, Theology and Religion
University of Birmingham
Edgbaston, Birmingham
B15 2TT
United Kingdom


About elisa freschi

My long-term program is to make "Indian Philosophy" part of "Philosophy". You can follow me also on my personal blog:, on Academia, on Amazon, etc.

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