From Elizabeth De Michelis:
Dear Colleagues,
AMRAY, of which I am one of the managers, would like to advertise to suitable candidates an intensive course on the Yogasūtra that will take place in France this Summer (mid-June to mid-August 2020). The course will be taught by Dr Michel Angot and will be based on the Sanskrit text of the Yogasūtra and its main commentaries. The philological part of the course will consist of a minimum of 6 hours of daytime lectures , with evening sessions dedicated to recitation of Sanskrit texts.
The course is currently fully booked, but AMRAY has provisionally reserved a couple of places specifically for allocation to philologists who may be able to attend. Suitable candidates should (1) be keenly interested in this text and (2) have the necessary linguistic skills, i.e. medium to advanced knowledge of Sanskrit and fluency in French and/or Russian, the course languages (please note no English).
AMRAY may be able to offer some level of sponsorship to suitable candidates should that be needed. Interested parties should contact me at as soon as possible, and by 10 April at the latest in order to discuss further details.
Please feel free to circulate this message to any suitable candidate who may not be on this list.
With all good wishes,
Elizabeth De Michelis
Modern Yoga Research