Submission deadline: August 15, 2022
Conference dates: November 4-8, 2022
Hosted by: IIT, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
Keynote speakers:
Purushottama Bilimoria (Uni Melbourne, San Francisco State Uni, RUDN University),
Sachchidananda Mishra (ICPR, BHU Varanasi)
The aim of this workshop is to explore the philosophical and logical aspects pertaining to religion coming from the Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain perspectives. The participants will inquire into how the relations between logic and religion are supported by rational inquiry on religious matters. They will scrupulously examine a wide range of arguments postulated by Indian philosophers, logicians, and theologians. The main themes will center around: the doctrine of karma and the related concepts of suffering, accumulation of merits, and detachment, the belief in an afterlife, rebirth, and/or liberation, the main arguments for the existence and non-existence of a permanent self, and the disputes between the theists and atheists over the existence of the divine realm(s) and God.
- We invite submissions of contributed papers on topics related to these questions, including but not restricted to:
- Philosophico-logical arguments for the possibility of liberation and reincarnation.
- Retributive dimension of the doctrine of karma.
- Logic and the concept of God, especially the arguments for and against the existence of God.
- Theism and Atheism in the Indian religious-philosophical traditions.
- Arguments for the existence and persistence of a self.
- Ethical implications of religious beliefs.
Paper proposals drawing upon original sources written in classical Indian languages (Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit) and papers with comparative and/or cross-cultural components are particularly welcome.
Abstracts must have a maximum of 600 words and be written in English according to our template; they must be submitted via Easychair (note that prior registration with EasyChair is required). In the submission, one of the keywords must be “Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Logic”. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the congress. Accepted abstracts will be published in the congress proceedings, which will be available during the congress. After the meeting authors will be invited to submit a complete version of their works, which will be peer-reviewed and published in a book and/or special issues of journals with publishers of international recognition. Peer-reviewed papers of previous WoCoLoR’s appeared as special issues of Logica Universalis (Springer), Sophia (Springer) and the Journal of Applied Logics (College Publications).–3YAzKl4GdQc2Ep-bbtvRY_UEYWk2kuA