Job opening for a specialist in Indian Philosophy

Please see the following notification of a job at Ashoka University for a specialist in Indian Philosophy: We would be grateful if you brought this to the attention of suitable candidates. Note that the application deadline is quite close: Jan Continue reading Job opening for a specialist in Indian Philosophy

Job Ad: Associate or Full Professor in Classical Indian Philosophy at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa

The University of Hawai’i at Mānoa is hiring an Associate or Full Professor in Classical Indian Philosophy. Applications are due Dec. 2, 2024 for full consideration with a hard deadline of Jan. 13, 2025. More information, including instructions on how Continue reading Job Ad: Associate or Full Professor in Classical Indian Philosophy at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa

The Philosophical Rasika Report: Listings of Ph.D. Programs in Indian Philosophy (2024 Edition; Part I: North America)

In North American universities, Indian philosophy is generally taught in three types of departments: Asian Studies, Religious Studies, and Philosophy. The three different types of programs tend to have different foci. Departments of Asian Studies, also sometimes labeled as Oriental Continue reading The Philosophical Rasika Report: Listings of Ph.D. Programs in Indian Philosophy (2024 Edition; Part I: North America)

Call for Papers: Special issue of Dewey Studies on “John Dewey’s Pragmatism and India: Pasts and Futures”

This CfP posted at the request of Scott Stroud, Professor of Communication Studies, University of Texas-Austin. John Dewey’s philosophy has had a global impact. Well known are the stories of his students from China such as Hu Shih and the Continue reading Call for Papers: Special issue of Dewey Studies on “John Dewey’s Pragmatism and India: Pasts and Futures”

Process Studies and South Asia Fellowship (applications due 30 June 2024)

Dr. Matthew LoPresti (Hawaii Pacific University) recently informed me of this fellowship opportunity, which is sponsored by the University of California, Irvine. A summary from the call for applications: The University of California, Irvine (UCI) Program in Religious Studies supports Continue reading Process Studies and South Asia Fellowship (applications due 30 June 2024)

CfP on Women in Indian thought (by Muzaffar Ali)

As part of an international collaboration, three of us (Muzaffar Ali, Savitribai phule Pune University: Richa Shukla, IIT Bhubaneswar; Mansi Rathour, OP Jindal Global University) will be co-editing a volume, Women in Indian Thought: Ancient, Modern and Contemporary. The main Continue reading CfP on Women in Indian thought (by Muzaffar Ali)