
We have a few simple policies for posters and commenters to make the Indian Philosophy Blog a welcoming place for all involved:

Be polite. If you must attack, attack the argument and not the person.


Be relevant. This is a blog about South Asian philosophy; posts and discussions should be related in some clear way to South Asian philosophy, however defined.

Be scholarly. Blog writing is more conversational and provisional than traditional scholarly writing, and we expect that contributors will share prima facie thoughts, not necessarily their settled opinions. At the same time, posts should at least be informed by relevant scholarship; claims about South Asian thinkers and texts should be verifiable through reference to primary texts or refereed scholarly sources.


Posts and comments that violate these rules may be deleted. Repeat offenders may be banned. The authors of individual posts have the right to deem specific comments inappropriate according to their own interpretation of these rules. All comments represent the views of the comment author, and do not necessarily represent the views of the post author or of the Indian Philosophy Blog’s editors.

26 Replies to “Rules”

  1. Pingback: Welcome to the Indian Philosophy Blog!The Indian Philosophy Blog | The Indian Philosophy Blog

  2. i am post graduate in philosophy from banaras hindu intererst of subject is indian-logic i.e. navya-nyaaya,jain nyaaya etc..though not well versed in english;enjoyed your posts very much..thanks

    Reply ↓

  3. So excited to see such a wonderful blog! I am not so sure how it works, but if somebody could add me in so that I could be updated I’d be so grateful!

  4. Dear Elisa and other contributors,

    I have been following this blog since its first post. (Came here through Leiter’s website). I just want to say that you have done an exceptional job and that every time I come to this website after a bit of a gap, there’s some horizon-expanding post I find! If there’s anything that can make Indian philosophy relevant once again to an interested audience, it has to be the non-stuffy environment of a blogpost. That much I feel certain about.

    Also, it would be lovely if each of the contributors could suggest ten of their favourite philosophy books/articles that has meaningfully contributed to their philosophical thought. Though posts like these are often click-baits, I obsessively read through such lists and have come to believe that it is something of a curatorial obligation of all specialists in our age.

    In any case, I just wanted to thank you all once again. I’m sure there are many more of us who do not feel competent enough to comment but enjoy reading your posts and are immeasurably grateful that a thing like the Indian Philosophy Blog exists.

    Best of luck for the all future posts

    Lots of love! 🙂

    • Thank you very much for this moving comment and for the idea. I tend to dislike lists (it seems to me that one tends to lie and to say what one “ought” to have liked rather than what one really liked), but perhaps I am too suspicious. I will certainly give it a try!

    • Hi Justin. If you look on the front page and scroll down, focusing on the right hand column, you should see a box to subscribe. If you don’t, please write me and I will enter your email myself. Thanks.

    • Hi Bala,

      You can add yourself. In the right-hand sidebar there is a box labelled “Subscribe to Blog via Email”. You can get email updates by entering your email address there.

    • Dear Ashit,

      You can email one of the staff – our emails are amod.lele, elisa.freschi and matthewdasti, each of which is at Gmail. Please be aware that contributions are by invitation.

    • Hello Ruzana,

      You can follow our blog by email through the box in the right-hand column of each page, labelled “Subscribe to Blog via Email”. Enter your address and click Subscribe.

  5. I’d love to follow your blog. Please add me, that’d be really appreciated. I’m also an aspiring blogger just researching about how to and what to write.
    Thank you.

    • Dear Abhishek, it appears, you subscribed already to the blog. If you don’t receive email notifications, you might have not confirmed your subscription. Please check your inbox.
      p.s. Best wishes for your blogging future.

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