About Matthew Dasti

Matthew R. Dasti is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Bridgewater State University.

Because Time is not Self : On Ānandajñāna’s refutation of Kāla, A guest post by Satyan Sharma

Submitted to the blog by Satyan Sharma, Research scholar at the department of Sanskrit, Panjab University, (sharma.satyan@ymail.com) Because Time is not Self : On Ānandajñāna’s refutation of Kāla Abstract The conversation between Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika (NV) and Advaita Vedānta (AV) philosophers attract Continue reading Because Time is not Self : On Ānandajñāna’s refutation of Kāla, A guest post by Satyan Sharma

Summary study of Karmayoga

When teaching my World Philosophy course, I try to highlight the ways that Daoist notions of wu-wei, Stoic (and in particular, Epictetus’) notion of living in accordance with nature, and the Gītā’s idea of karmayoga are three ways to approach Continue reading Summary study of Karmayoga

Meta-ethics, essences, and the irreducibly normative: a question from an analytic philosopher

A friend who is an analytic philosopher wrote to me with the following question. I’d like to invite anyone with some expertise or suggestions to kindly say something in the discussions below. “I’m wondering if there are any figures or Continue reading Meta-ethics, essences, and the irreducibly normative: a question from an analytic philosopher

Book announcement: The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Vedānta, edited by Ayon Maharaj

From the publisher: “This handbook brings together a distinguished team of scholars from philosophy, theology, and religious studies to provide the first in-depth discussion of Vedānta and the many different systems of thought that make up this tradition of Indian Continue reading Book announcement: The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Vedānta, edited by Ayon Maharaj

Notice: Intensive course on the Yogasūtra, Summer 2020

From Elizabeth De Michelis: Dear Colleagues, AMRAY, of which I am one of the managers, would like to advertise to suitable candidates an intensive course on the Yogasūtra that will take place in France this Summer (mid-June to mid-August 2020). The Continue reading Notice: Intensive course on the Yogasūtra, Summer 2020

Notice: The Ludo and Rosane Rocher Foundation Subvention Program for First Books

From the website: The Ludo and Rosane Rocher Foundation has created a program that provides subventions for the publication of “first books” by young scholars in the field of classical Indology. The scholars are expected to submit a CV, a Continue reading Notice: The Ludo and Rosane Rocher Foundation Subvention Program for First Books

JOB: Assistant Professor at Columbia University

Columbia University’s Department of Philosophy has an open AOS/open AOC search for a tenure-track Assistant Professor.  Brian Van Norden notes: I am advised that this junior opening at Columbia is genuinely “open” in that they will seriously consider candidates with Continue reading JOB: Assistant Professor at Columbia University

Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad, “What is Philosophy if it Isn’t Western?”

Please see the following link for a short but illuminating talk by Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad which reflects on some of the reasons given for why Philosophy should be thought of as a largely Western affair and why those reasons fail. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=davqrJU97Ck