Veṅkaṭanātha on free will to surrender

Veṅkaṭanātha has to adapt the Mīmāṃsā approach to free will to his Vaiṣṇava commitment to the role of God’s grace. He thus concludes that humans are free in their intentions, although they need God’s consent to convert them into action. Continue reading Veṅkaṭanātha on free will to surrender

Obituary of Suniti Kumar Pathak

Guest post submitted by Debajyoti Gangopadhyay Classical Indian Buddhism scholar Suniti Kumar Pathak passed away recently in his Santiniketan house, Bengal. For the whole Indian Buddhist fraternity as well as Indo-Tibetan academia this loss is irreparable. He was 101 years Continue reading Obituary of Suniti Kumar Pathak

The physics of emptiness

How can we reconcile Buddhism with expressive individualism (“be yourself”) and with natural science? When I had previously turned to Wilfrid Sellars for help on this question, I had compared Sellars’s view to two Buddhist metaphysical positions on ultimate truth, Continue reading The physics of emptiness

The scientific self is not reductionist

Any serious contemporary Buddhist intellectual needs to think through the connection between Buddhist ideas and the relevant claims of natural science. Many of us, too, are expressive individualists: we believe that there is something valuable in the project of discovering Continue reading The scientific self is not reductionist

Job Ad: Associate or Full Professor in Classical Indian Philosophy at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa

The University of Hawai’i at Mānoa is hiring an Associate or Full Professor in Classical Indian Philosophy. Applications are due Dec. 2, 2024 for full consideration with a hard deadline of Jan. 13, 2025. More information, including instructions on how Continue reading Job Ad: Associate or Full Professor in Classical Indian Philosophy at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa