Submissions for APA Newsletter Issue on Matilal due June 1

Back in February I posted about a forthcoming newsletter on the work and legacy of B. K. Matilal.  As the June 1 deadline for submissions is fast approaching, I thought I’d post a reminder.  Here are the details from the original post:

I have agreed to guest edit, along with Prasanta Bandyopadhyay, the Fall 2017 edition of the APA Newsletter on Asian and Asian-American Philosophers and Philosophies.  The theme of the issue will be “B. K. Matilal: The Past and Future of Indian Philosophy.”  …  Submissions are due June 1, 2017.

For the Call for Papers and other details, please see the original post.  Note that we may also consider submissions on more general issues or on other influential scholars (e.g., J. N. Mohanty, etc.).  Please let me know in the comments or by email if you have any questions ahead of the June 1 deadline.

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