Here is a new prize competition that may be of interest to some blog readers, especially those working on topics such as theism in Nyāya or Vedānta, atheism in Buddhism or Mīmāṃsā, Cārvāka, Jainism, Kashmir Śaivism, South Asian Islam, Sikhism, modern Indian philosophy, and other topics.
From the announcement on the Blog of the APA:
Thanks to funding from the American Philosophical Association’s Diversity and Inclusiveness Fund, the editors of the Journal of Analytic Theology are pleased to announce a prize competition for the best paper in analytic theology of an underrepresented religious or theological tradition.
With “underrepresented” we mean a paper outside of traditional forms of orthodox Christianity. In particular, we are looking for papers drawing on traditions including, but not limited to the following: Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Taoism, Shinto, Hinduism, (neo)Paganism.
Every eligible submission will be considered for the prize of USD 500, and for inclusion in a special issue of the Journal of Analytic Theology. The special issue will contain the winning essay, as well as other essays that have received a positive evaluation. A board of experts with a broad range of specialisms in various theological traditions will evaluate the entries.
To compete for this prize competition, please send your paper to with the subject line “Diversity APA prize competition” by October 1st, 2019.
There is more information on the Blog of the APA.
Has Jainism been deliberately left out or is just an oversight. I think it would be fair to explicitly include this as well.
It is an unfortunate oversight on my part. Thank you for pointing this out. I apologize and will change it! I doubt it’s a deliberate exclusion on the part of the contest organizers. My sense is that they are trying to be as inclusive as possible, although I could easily imagine there being some confusion about what counts as “theology” in the Indian tradition. You could email them to be sure.
Nice article
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