Celebrating ten years of the IPB, we are going to be hosting a panel at the Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association in New York City on Thursday, 9 January 2025, entitled Building a Network of Scholars in Indian Philosophy: The Indian Philosophy Blog and Beyond. All three editors of the IPB (Ethan Mills, Elisa Freschi and myself) will be participating, with Ethan moderating the discussion. We’ll have a first session from 11am-12:50pm and continue from 2pm-3:50pm after a lunch break. The intent is for the panelists’ presentations to stimulate an open discussion about building community among scholars of Indian philosophy. The panelists and their presentations will be:
- Ethan Mills (University of Tennessee – Chattanooga): Chair
- Elisa Freschi (University of Toronto): “Can and Should We Build a Community of Scholars Working on Sanskrit Philosophy?”
- Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam): “Indian Philosophy Today”
- Amod Lele (Northeastern University): “Reflections on Ten Years of the Indian Philosophy Blog”
- Parimal Patil (Harvard University): “Philosophers, Sanskritists, and Sanskrit Philosophy”
- Chris Rahlwes (Smith College): “Elucidating Indian Philosophy through Jain Studies”
If you’re going to be at the Eastern APA, we’d love to see you there!
Congratulations to IPB on completing a decade. Wishing the panel all success.
Thank you! We appreciate your continued readership.
Thank you, Radha!